Chris Behrens | M&M Global

Chris Behrens

Chris Behrens

JOB TITLE: Project lead – Global Music Data Alliance
COMPANY: Havas Media Group

What is your greatest achievement to date in international media?

Being selected at the project lead for the Global Music Data Alliance between Universal Music Group and Havas is one that really stands out. In music, I was also part of the team that broke One Direction in the US while working at Sony Music Entertainment.

What drives you to succeed in media?

I want to see change. I’m bored of advertising. I’m sick of web banners and pre-rolls. I want to be a part of the generation that re-imagines advertising for the skip generation. I want to make real-time one-one programmatic marketing a scalable and trusted mechanism in the media world. I want to create campaigns that feel personal. I want people to enjoy being told about new exciting products and not block them out.

M&M-BadgeWhat key trends and insights do you think are driving global media?

In a day and age where it is very hard to retain the attention of a user, music and entertainment, if used correctly, allow brands to really target people’s emotional aspect.

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