The Header Bidding Manifesto | M&M Global
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The Header Bidding Manifesto

What does the arrival of header bidding technology actually mean for publishers, and what are the real-life challenges? Download ‘The Header Bidding Manifesto‘ to find out more.

Header Bidding Manifesto

Publishers are faced with an uphill battle as they fight to get a fair deal in programmatic trading; while all the while, they just want to be able to provide their audience with the best digital advertising experience possible. Ever since the move from print to digital, the sell and buy sides have been at odds as to what the future holds for the industry, and how it needs to move forward.

Fast forward to 2016: the era of the adblockalypse where the growth of ad blocking is expecting to reach more than a quarter of all UK internet users by the end of 2017. The poor quality and targeting of ads that consumers have been forced to endure for far too long means we now have a situation where consumers are blocking ads, and publishers and advertisers blocking ad blockers. It’s chaos, and something needs to be done.

As the traditional advertising waterfall continues to break down – enter the emergence of bidding technology. Aside from what it promises, what does this new technology actually mean for publishers and what are the real-life challenges? How can new innovative tech, such as header bidding deliver real potential for publishers looking to drive increased yield and optimise their revenue?

Download PulsePoint’s Manifesto to learn more about how PulsePoint is helping publishers fight for real, honest, competitive bidding. Join the fight for change, and take a step towards helping to make ads matter again.

Gareth Shaw

VP Programmatic Operations EMEA, PulsePoint

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