Adspert Bidmanagement | M&M Global

Adspert Bidmanagement

Berlin based Start-up, Adspert Bidmanagement, is using algoirithms to simplify the setup of online advertising, allowing everyone to win customers.


Company: Adspert Bidmanagement GmbH

Sector: Advertising

Based in: Berlin

Regions covered: Worldwide

Founded by: Marcel Pirlich, Stephanie Richter, Harald Bartel

Are they rocket scientists? Harald Bartel is our CTO and Master of Rocket Science (otherwise known as automated online ad-tech execution)

Who are you major backers? BDMI (Bertelsmann), K-Invest

Whats the track record? Founded in 2010, we now have customers in more than 30 countries, we’re connected to more than 74 advertising platforms, and we’re buying billions of keywords and impressions fully automated.

What do they say? We democratise online advertising.

What does this mean? Originally developed 15 years ago as a financial trading software company serving clients like Deutsche Bank and Nielsen, Bidmanagement used its knowhow to build a consumerised version of what to date only enterprise clients can use to optimise and automate their media buying. Advertisers no longer need to work with an agency nor need to analyse data to run successful advertising campaigns. All Bidmanagement needs is a campaign budget and a goal – the rest is managed by algorithms.

What makes your company different to its competitors? Performance and ease of use combined in a rocket science online ad-tech solution, which enables everyone to run successful online advertising campaigns without any setup.

First clients: Lots of small e-commerce companies

How could your company change the world? By allowing everyone to win customers via online advertising.

Who do they compete with? Online advertising agencies, enterprise level tools, data collection companies like Nielsen which lack execution of their findings.

Who should be worried?

  1. WPP, Omnicom, Publicis, Dentsu etc. – everybody who is offering online advertising at a premium or with high entry barriers.
  2. Companies like Nielsen, which collect lots of data and leaves the execution problem – at what price shall I buy what ad and where? – with their client.

If you could choose any investor globally who would it be? Richard Branson. Because he knows how marketing works and how to lower entry barriers to products so that everybody can use it.

If you could poach any member of staff from any company in the world who would it be? Elon Musk. Because he has no fear disrupting well established industries as a nobody.

Joe Revens


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