YesWeAd | M&M Global


YesWeAd is an advertising marketplace that lets businesses tap into a network of around 7000 freelance creatives.

Sector: Advertising

Based in: Miami

Regions covered: Global

Founded by: Daniel Marcet, Martin Noe

Are they rocket scientists? No, both partners are very experienced communication professionals, with a very wide network of contacts in the advertising industry all over the world.

Who are you major backers? Experience, contacts, knowledge of the market; alliances with advertising schools, specialised media, and regional ad festivals, and a very scalable platform with very efficient tools.

Whats the track record? In only seven months we have more than 7000 creatives and 1500 companies working into our platform.

What do they say? All users are expressing great satisfaction to have achieved excellent results on the platform.

What does this mean? It means YWA is a solution to a problem the ad industry has been facing this past decade.

What makes your company different to its competitors? We are focusing in advertising creativity both online and offline with the SMBs as a primary target.

First clients: Cerveza Norte, Dow Quimica, Caro Cuore, Cambre

How could your company change the world? Our mission is democratise the creativity business.

Who should be worried? Those who deny that a change in the ad business is needed.

If you could choose any investor globally who would it be? Google Ventures to complement the media business with creativity.

If you could poach any member of staff from any company in the world who would it be? Jeff Bezos , to understand the complexity a marketplace and SMB’s seduction.

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